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Meet the team


Meet the Bakewell Team


Executive Headteacher Mr B O'Connell (Safeguarding Lead)
Head of School

Mrs E J Harry (Deputy Safeguarding Lead)

EYFS Teacher Miss L Rigley
KS1 Teacher Miss A Hall

Teaching Assistant KS1

Teaching Assistant EYFS

Mrs Stapleton 

Mrs Ardern

Teaching Assistant & Lunchtime

Mrs B Bagshaw

Mrs Ardern

Wraparound care Junior School *Mrs Owen
School Business Officer Mrs A Foulkes

Partnership staff

  The children and staff at Bakewell CE Infants also benefit from a range of staff from the Matlock and Dales Primary Partnership who provide support and additional provision.

  • SENCo: Miss. Shauna Bridges
  • ELSA HLTA: Mrs. Bethan Lloyd
  • Sports leader: Mr. Connor Green
  • Senior Operations Officer: Mrs. Naomi Middleton
  • Senior Finance Officer: Mrs. Jane Leech